Sunday, May 28, 2006

What's she talking about?

So, I guess it might help to identify some terms and acronyms that I'm using and then link it to my profile so that y'all don't have to guess what I'm babbling on about. My actual real-life job partially entails keeping a detailed acronym list, and oh my word are there a lot of them. I'll try to keep this list short, sweet and updated.

Sheeple - members of my personal herd of sheep; stupid people whom I like to rage against, i.e. "Rage Against the Sheeple"

DS - Duodenal Switch, sometimes known as the Biliopancratic Diversion with Duodenal Switch or the Gastric Reduction with Duodenal Switch; the specific type of bariatric surgery that I am having

OH - Obesity Help website (remind me again *why* I'm listing this?)

SF - Sassy Fatties, otherwise known as the rockin' group of girlies (and boyies) whose webring I belong to

RNY - Roux-en-y, the most common form of bariatric surgery; what people usually think of when they hear the words "gastric bypass"

Thing One - my oldest daughter, age 10

Thing Two - my youngest daughter, age 6

The Husband - kinda obvious, right? You know, the man who rocks my world

WLS - weight loss surgery

Quad - a four-wheeled off-road vehicle that we use for conquering the desert and making it our bitch, so to speak


Deluzy said...

I aced your acronym list myself -- no trouble here. Love Thing One and Thing Two, btw --> my mother read "The Cat in the Hat" to me *all* the time when I was a wee one.

Dagny said...

You forgot that you will no doubt be using "SF." No, not the city by the bay, SASSY FATTIES.

Sarah said...

D'oh! You're right, Dag. I've added it in. :-)

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