Monday, January 08, 2007

Oh yeah. Just what I wanted for the New Year. Not.

Finally got in to see an OB/GYN about the problem going on in my ovary. Like my PCP said, he thinks it's a hemorrhagic cyst as well. However, because it is hemorrhagic and not fibroid, his ultimate verdict is that it has to come out. The sooner the better, because all hemorrhagic cysts do is just sit there and cause pain. And was my WLS lap or open? Open? Oooh. Not so good. We may have to do this open as well. Whaaa?

Unfortunately, he was called away before we could talk more about this and the possible scenarios that would play out. Next door at the hospital he had a patient in labor that was just beginning to push. And well, pushing outranks a non-emergency appointment, you know?

But before he raced off, he ordered a CA-125 test in order to rule out possible ovarian cancer. Agan, Whaaa? We'll wait a bit to get the results from that, and I'll come back and see him again to thoroughly discuss everything. I get my lab orders and appointment slip and go next door to get my lab work for both the cancer test and my six-month labs for Dr K.

As I sat in the office waiting for the phlebotomist, it kind of hit me. I'm more than likely having surgery again. And soon. And it's not for plastics! Aaargh! I knew it was a possibility when I got some feedback about cysts from others on one of the DS boards I frequent, but I assumed that OF COURSE this wouldn't happen to me. We could manage it with birth control pills or whatnot, right? Apparently not.

After I was sucked dry of EIGHT vials of blood (plus a bit of extra for good measure) I somehow managed to make it back to work. I nearly blew through the gate guard (that would have been very, very bad!) because my blood sugar was crashing, and fast, while I was driving. Again, not fun at all.

Once I got back to work and had shoved food into my mouth and was beginning to feel semi-normal again, I logged onto WebMD to get a quick perusal of what this guy was telling me and whether or not he was being overreactive. Nope. Apparently not. But there's also this little bit about how the CA-125 test can give positive results if there's a hemorrhagic cyst in place, instead of cancer. And how some forms of ovarian cancer don't show up on the CA-125 test. Cripes. Knowing my luck, it will turn out to be a false positive or some shit like that and I'll be put through the wringer. The Husband is freaking out about all of this, of course, and has immediately demanded that I seek a second opinion. Thank goodness for good insurance is all I can say!

I'm sure all will be fine in the end, but damn, this was not a complication in my life that was anticipated at all. Rolling with the punches, right?

1 comment:

Danyele said...

Keep us posted Sarah - when will you get the results of the CA-125? I'm keeping good thoughts for you.