Monday, June 19, 2006

Time will now either come to a standstill or go at mach speed

Because I am precisely one month away from having the DS. Wow. Just, wow.

New beginnings are the best.


ShirleyValentine said...

I am already counting the days too! One month and one week for me. I CAN'T WAIT! I keep hoping they are going to call me and say they have a cancellation. But, I would probably have a total meltdown.

Dagny said...

Are you on the Farewell to Food Tour? I took it, it was great.

Sarah said...

OMG. Today alone I finished an entire bag of Werther's Originals Chewy Caramels. And let's not EVEN talk about the cupcakes from Thing Two's birthday party this weekend.

I'm already up three pounds. *gulp*