Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Broken, but not forgotten

So, um, yeah. I've got broken things around the place. First and foremost is my 'puter. Goodness only knows when I was last able to access my e-mail and websites are a hit and miss these days. Hopefully by this time next week, I'll have a new desktop and things will be back to normal.

Also, I broke my scale. Hee! The Husband bought a brand spanking new scale for me to record my weight loss with. However, it was a cheap scale, and one that didn't like me standing on it with one foot while trying to keep my balance and not fall off. I busted the spring. D'oh! So, I have no idea how much more I'm down.

And *I* feel broken what with this seepage from one portion of my incision. Yeah, the office told me that it was normal, but having to literally "milk" it out of me in order to make sure I don't leak over everything just cannot be normal. And the stink! Oh my! Never mind that nobody else can smell it. But I can. :::shudder::: I'm calling back again tomorrow to see what I can do from over here. Ugh!

So, we'll take a small station identification break for my 'puter to get normalized and for me to get normalized and then all will be well in this snarky world.


Dagny said...

Hurry back!!! I enjoy reading about the Snarky World!

Deluzy said...

I seeped from my incision for 5.5. months, if you can believe that (I was an out-of-control diabetic, however, prior to my DS, which I think contributed to that).

If there's a smell to the incision or its fluid, though, tell that to Dee --> it was a sign of infection, and they prescribed antibiotics.

ShirleyValentine said...

I was wondering if you were feeling OK as I check everyday for your posts.
Be sure to call the Dr. AGAIN and get some anti-biotics for your smelly leak. That is NOT a good thing!
I have 5 tiny incisions that have had no leaks and the steri-strips are coming off. The Dr. will probably take them off tomorrow when I go for my first follow up.
I can't wait to see how much I have lost living on water and watered down Gatorade!
Next, runny mashed potatoes and pudding. YUM YUM
Take Care!