Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bunch of Savages in this Town!

Two short stories for your approval that demonstrate the mentality of people today.

Story the First:

The Husband found himself in Home Depot (as he seldom does because the sweet siren call of power tools is much too powerful to resist especially when there are things such as "credit cards" with "six months of no interest" at his disposal) looking to replace a bit set that he had lost/broken some pieces of. When he found the set on the shelf, upon closer examination, he realized that someone had stolen the biggest bit out of the package. Either that or it just came that way from the factory, missing a bit.

No big deal, right? You just get the package behind it to buy, and take the one with the missing bit to an employee for them to deal with.


Every. Single. Package. that was on that shelf had the same bit missing. About a dozen of them.

Some rat bastard had stolen every single bit in this particular size. Inconcieveable!

The employee that was brought over to see the damage was just as incredulous as The Husband.

Story the Second:

After church this morning, we decided to do some light grocery shopping to fill in the holes in our refrigerator so that we don't have to do much of it during the week. This makes for much a much happier husband and a much happier me in that we don't have to go running all over creation for that one ingredient that we forgot.

We did our shopping and managed to get our of there fairly quickly. However, we realized that we were supposed to purchase a grocery card for someone and had to turn back around and return to the store. Instead of all four of us going in, The Husband went in alone. When he came back out, boy did he have a story to tell.

A guy was attempting to check out in one of the relatively new self check-out lanes. Now, these lanes are a bit touchy, as you have to put your groceries all in this one small space after you scan them because it wants to assess the weight of things - I guess to make sure you're not stealing stuff? I don't know. But if you don't put the thing you just scanned in the area where the bags are, it gives you a bunch of problems, and insists that you put it in OR ELSE. Basically, it's only a good thing if you are purchasing say, less than 15 items, and all of them can be fit into two plastic grocery bags. Otherwise, you're better off being checked out normally.

This guy, however, was purchasing around 25 items. And was having a huge problem with the whole bagging procedure. Basically, he was working himself into a full-blown tantrum because he couldn't follow the voice instructions the machine was giving him. And, tempermental beast that it is, the machine wasn't cooperating with him either because let's face it, the machine is the one in charge here.

Two of the on-floor managers converged on the guy to help him out with the process, to try to smooth things out, but the guy was way too far gone in the short time that things had become FUBARed. He threw such a conniption fit that the managers refunded all his money and let him walk out with all his groceries. In addition, they gave him a twelve-pack of Pepsi as a "we're so sorry for the trouble, and we hope you'll come back again" prize. Another employee helped the guy out to the car with his groceries.

But getting free groceries and a free twelve-pack of soda apparently wasn't enough to soothe the temper this man had on him.

When he and the employee got to the car, he proceeded to scream at the employee about the self-check out and said something to the effect of, "And you can keep these for all I care!" Then he THREW the entire twelve-pack of soda at the employee. Luckily, he missed the employee, but the sodas hit the ground and several of them exploded spectacularly.

The Moral of the Stories:

Some people are assholes, and either take what they want or aren't gracious enough to accept sincere apologies and generosity. They suck.

Unfortunately, far too many people in this town are like Exhibit A and B. Bunch of savages in this town.

1 comment:

Danyele said...

Issues.. major issues. Thank goodness he didn't actually hurt someone.