Despite my despair that I was at a "plateau" (Oh come on, now. Something that only lasts for a week and a half cannot be classified as a plateau no matter how much you angst over it. Twit!) I have managed to lose in my third month the exact same amount I lost in my second month - 13 pounds. When all added up, I have lost a total of 56 pounds. Not bad for a fat girl with an eating habit, eh?

I will be taking pictures this weekend, but until then, I want to share with y-all my virtual model thingies that I made up. This first one is how I "looked" at my starting weight of 315 pounds.
Now, this is pretty, um, generous. My arms were a whole lot more inflated, as were my thighs. My waist was a lot less defined, and putting in the "less defined" option made me look completely rotund - I at least did still have a waist. But I guess we can't expect a computer-generated "model" to actually reflect reality any more than fashion models reflect reality, right?

This next model on the right is how I theoretically look at 259 pounds. It's a bit better, I suppose. It's still a little bit generous on the size of the arms and thighs, but it's beginning to show more of where I've lost the weight. I have a little buddha-belly going on, though, as where my incision was doesn't seem to want to give up its real estate underneath. That's okay. It's not a hernia, it's just a jealous little bitch about what's going on in my face. It just can't STAND to see the thinness going on there.
The only thing this model isn't showing are those drastic changes in my face. But that's okay, we'll forgive it. We're just that type of people, right?

Our third model over here on the left, is where I should look once I reach 100 pounds lost, sitting at 215 pounds. NOW we're starting to get there, people! Hopefully the hips will be a whole lot slimmer like she shows, the arms will be a whole lot nicer and if I'm lucky, the girls will still be as full as hers. Needless to say I will be sacrificing the pure and unblemished lamb I have been saving for just this type of occasion to the all-powerful and mighty boobie gods in order to obtain this desire of mine.

The last model, again on the right, shows how I should "look" once I reach my goal weight of 150 pounds. This is of course not going to take into account the mounds of sagging skin that I'm certain to have. But that's what our friends the plastic surgeons are there for, no?
All in all, I think this is a fair assessment of what I'll look like. NOT! Reality bites, but at least this will give me an idea to shape my mind around and grasp at least partially the changes that will be taking place.
Excitement abounds!
Oh, and lest I forget to say it, I really and truly love my DS!
Awesome! You're doing great!
You thought you were at a plateau? It's true, it's a stage! I put it in my Forum, I called it "Failure." At about 2-2.5 months out, everybody is convinced they're not losing anything!
Oh, no. I never really thought it was a plateau. I've seen it too often to actually believe it myself. Hee!
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