And Hillary Clinton is certainly making herself out to look like an ass at the moment.
*** Disclaimer: While my political views are obviously diametrically opposed to many people that view this blog this is not a slam on you if you happen to think that Hillary is the next Big Thing. I just can't stand the words that come out of her mouth sometimes. Well, most of the time if I'm honest with you. This is one of those times. ***
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? You're going on about THAT again? Please give me a break.
Listen, lady. You're pretty politically savvy, no? If you weren't, you obviously wouldn't have gotten your husband all the way into the White House and now maneuvered yourself to be a pretty decent candidate for the upcoming run for the job in 2008.
In all this time of being as politically savvy as you are, has it never, ever occured to you that yes, there is a conspiracy out there, but it's actually called PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU?
Because let's face it. There's a Right Wing Conspiracy, a Left Wing Conspiracy, a Leftist Conspiracy, a Communist Conspiracy, a White Conspiracy, a Black Conspiracy, a Green Conspiracy and for good measure a Purple and Orange Polka-Dot Conspiracy. It's called people of opposing political parties having different ideas about how things need to go and organizing themselves in such a way that their political ideals will: 1) gain popular acceptance, 2) get voted into place, and 3) hopefully survive the test of time. And if in the whole scheme of this "conspiracy" you take down those on the other side in the process, that's all well and good because aren't you doing this for "the good of the country?"
If you think that you have the balls to be President of this country, then you had better damn well get used to the fact that there will ALWAYS be people that oppose you. Being President is no picnic, my dear, as you well know. And frankly, you are actually tying yourself into the stereotype that women can never become President because of the hysterics you seem to be having over this "conspiracy." And don't even play the innocent that your "side" doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. To do so would be totally ingenuous and a bold-faced lie to boot.
So thanks. Thanks for proving to all the Good Ole' Boys that wimmen ain't good for nothin' but stayin' barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. I think you've set us back at least a decade at getting a woman in the White House, even if I personally don't want it to be you. Thanks alot. Why don't you keep your mouth shut for once? Maybe people will actually warm up to you because you are very smart and I think very capable of being President should you win (even though I won't like your policies AT ALL and hate every minute you're in office).
At the moment there are a whole lot of people who will come out of the woodwork specifically to vote AGAINST you should you win the Democratic Primary. Start thinking further than a foot in front of you and you might actually make it there.
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You know, I am one of those on the other side of the political spectrum and *I* am completely turned off by Hillary. Loved Bill - even pounded the pavement for him as a fresh-faced poli-sci major in college. Hillary is not Bill but she'd have you believe that she is. I'm almost finished reading Barack Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope" and I'm sold. He's got one big supporter here. It's a great read.. and not just for liberals.. for all Americans who are concerned for our future.
I don't know why she doesn't realize what she's doing. I mean, like I said, I think she's very smart and savvy. She just, I don't know, turns into this jackhole when it comes to certain things. I don't get it. :shrug:
I'm not sold on Obama at all. We'll see what shakes out in the end, eh? All I know is that I sure as hell would never want to be President. The job is just asking for a world of hurt to be lobbed at your front door.
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