Monday, March 12, 2007

Black and Red on Skin

Well, here it is. The red is going to need some touch-ups here and there, but other than that, it's perfect in my opinion. The Husband's took four hours; mine took three. Doing the same lines for a second time definitely makes for an easier go of it. Plus I'm a bit more stoic when it comes to pain that he is, so I sit better even though it still hurt like hell.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, it's freakin' GORGEOUS. Envy all around. Did you design this one yourself? Congrats!

Danyele said...

I *LOVE* it.. it's like nothing I've ever seen.

Sarah said...

Unfortunately, I didn't design this one. I lucked out and found it online and then asked permission to use it. The Husband has been into wolves for forever, so it fits us. :grin: Right now it looks like crap because it's starting the peeling phase and is itching all over. Must. Apply. Lotion!