Thursday, June 08, 2006

Why and blog?

Then again, why and anything?

(Just so you know, I really do understand the English language and know how to use it rather fluently. However there once was a little lady on a message board that I belong to with the rather unfortunate screen name of "Babytiger." Unfortunate because she lived up to the "baby" part and not much else. She became infamous for her mangling of grammer and speelink. One of her more classic lines was "Why and be snarky?" From then on, people on said message board have used the "Why and . . ." appellation both on boards and IRL whenever they felt that something was silly and wanted to point it out, much to the consternation of others. Babytiger was also known for the phrase "doing and grabbing" because for some reason she couldn't bring herself to say sex. And this was on a board full of married women. Who have all done some doing and grabbing themselves at one point in time or another I would hope. Some people . . .)

Seriously, though. I never got into blogging previously because I thought it was the ultimate in self-adulation. And that's not something as a morbidly obese person that I am into, you know what I mean? There's not much to adulate when you've got more rolling hills than Scotland.

But now that I have been doing this for a few weeks, it's kind of a cool thing. I get to vomit up some of my 30,000 words a day into the Innernets thereby making The Husband imminently grateful that he isn't the recipient of more of them flooding his brain; make some people laugh if I'm particularly funny in a post; help other people find someone to relate to that they would have NEVER met otherwise if it wasn't for the great World Wide Web; and get to chronicle the ups and downs of my life in a way I never could before. Pretty neat, don't you think?

Anyway, thanks to those of you who are actually reading me. And to those who are not? Get on here already! Because dammit you're missing out on a really fun time.

And sheep. Lots of sheep. Your loss!

1 comment:

Dagny said...

I like your blog and I read it every day! I love the Innernets!