Thursday, August 24, 2006

Your tax dollars at work!

At work, we've been needing a new building to expand into for a very long time. It would be a Very Good Thing if the technology was available to keep the Navy's airplanes up in the air and on top of things, right? So finally, Congress got off their asses and voted that yes, we can actually build this thing, thankyouverymuch. And there was much rejoicing!

So, they put up this fence (inside our existing fence) and blocked us from going in the front door of our building because the new building is being made in such a way that it will connect to the old building. This means that we have to walk about four times as far from our cars as we had to previously just to get to our desks. We get inconvenienced for the next year and a half while they build it. Sucks out loud, but what are ya gonna do, right? Space is space. I like space. Space is good. Space is wise. (Shut UP, Sarah!)

Anyway . . .

Construction hasn't started just yet because you would have heard me bitching about the noise level. But they have managed to put up a trailer for the construction folks to hang out in on breaks and such and to have some office space onsite. Normal, right? Nothing to be outraged about here.

I was walking to my car on the other side of the sparkly new fence that I mentioned above, when I noticed it. A satellite dish poking off the corner of the construction trailer. As I came up beside it, I could read what it said. DIRECTV. And that's when the red film crept over my eyes and I began to turn into a snarling and psychopathic beast from hell, much like how my little mini doxie turned into one here.

What in the FUCK are we paying $17 million dollars to this OUT OF TOWN contractor to build us a new building for if there is going to be SATELLITE TV for whomever to watch on the build site? Yes, people, your tax dollars at fucking work. Are they direct billing us for this, or does this go into the "overhead" category?

Then again, I should talk. Your tax dollars have paid for me to type this. I'm on my break. Really. I am. I swear!


Dagny said...

I think DirecTV has a "Private Business Network" thing for corporate satellite-based communications. Hopefully, they're not really in that trailer watching the Game Show Network.

Anonymous said...

uh yeah. it's not for tv. it's for remote networking to the home office. calm down.