Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Like History as Much as the Next Guy

But this is getting ridiculous.

Every day for the last couple of weeks, three of my male co-workers gather at one of the co-worker's desk and re-hash the who, what, when, where, how and why of World War II. Specifically the Pacific Theater, the different Japanese and American ships and airplanes, who sank who, and which Japanese high commander committed seppaku/hari-kari.

It's the same conversation. Dealing with the same ships, the same planes, the same battles. Over and over and over and over and over and over. Did you know that the last shogun of Japan became the head of their war department during WWII and that he committed suicide before the war was over and it was the second in command who was promoted to head of the department that the Americans ended up beheading after the war? I do. They've argued about which guy was beheaded five different times in the last two weeks. Five times. In nine days.

I'm going to commit seppaku pretty soon if they don't knock it off. Its that or go postal on them. Either way, it won't be pretty.

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