Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Morning Fripperies

  • There really are movies out there that I could watch several times in one day and not be annoyed or bored with them. Among them are: The Princess Bride, Ever After, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, The Addams Family, The Addams Family Values, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, The Mummy. There are several others that I'm probably forgetting. But damn, I know most of these movies are campy, but I love them to death. And I love it when I get to see them over and over again. It's a sickness, I tell you. And it's a sickness I'm passing on to my children. Muwahahhahahaaa!

  • We are three weeks away from the renewal. I have finished the dresses for the girls (well, minus hooks and eyes, but those take all of five minutes to put on), the outfits for The Husband, Fezzik and Inigo. All that's left? My dress. I had to order some new bones for my corset so that's not quite complete yet but should be by the end of the week. At least it's functional enough to use for fitting purposes for the dress so it's not a big deal. And if I don't finish my dress in time or it doesn't turn out right? There's a dress sitting at one of the bridal shops in town that is totally my style that I can go down and purchase off the rack that will fit. It was a wee bit too small when I tried it on two months ago, and with my recent inches lost plus a solid corset, it should fit now. Backup plans are good. And thank goodness that the "style" everybody wants right now is strapless, because that means those dresses with sleeves just sit and sit and keep getting marked down. Bonus!

  • There are a few topics in religion that really set me off. And I'm finding that as I keep my mouth shut more and more about them that I am becoming a powder keg about them. Not good. I need to find an outlet. Perhaps blogging about them or just writing up an article about them that I keep for myself will do the trick.

  • Thing One sucked up some water accidentially with my Dyson a while back. She lied about it at the time, and so the pre-motor filter which saved the motor from certain death by H2O sat wet for some time. As a result, it molded because it couldn't dry properly, and now the "lifetime filter" has to be replaced, which means ordered and wait for it to be shipped. Color me pissed. I am without vacuum, and since my house was just impregnated with dirt from the latest windstorm, it makes for a very unhappy mommy because it feels like we are living in filth.

  • Speaking of our latest windstorm, can we please have Spring and be able to keep it? Pretty please? This is utterly ridiculous. Next thing you know, it will snow here, which usually only happens when hell freezes over. And the way the weather's been lately it seems like it just might.

  • The Husband needs to do like Frankie says and just RELAX. There really was a valid reason why we eloped the first time. The man gets so flustered when something doesn't go according to plan and reacts at about 20 times the level that he should. Plans don't always work, darling. I know you're under extra stress with the damn headaches, but take a chill pill about this. Why don't you go back to the whole "just tell me when to show up" mentality and let me deal with the little hiccoughs that go along with planning an event, okay? That way you won't have an aneurism and I won't become a widow.

  • Damn, but I love 80s music. I loaded up some of our old CDs onto the iPod and am totally loving it. Big hair bands rocked! And when I look at all the photographs that I just scanned in for the photoshow for the renewal, I realized just how 80s The Husband and I really were/are. And speaking of that, I realized looking at those photos that my hairstyle has essentially not changed much in the last 20 years. Just a little bit of change here and there and a few color variations, but it's basically the same. Ooof. Oh well. I'm not one to go out and get a sassy short new do and there's not much difference between longer cuts if you don't want obvious bangs so what are ya gonna do, right?

  • One of The Husband's co-workers needs to lay off on the hunt for the "triggers" for The Husband's cluster headaches. Dude, it's a trigger that set off the whole series, not a trigger for each headache. I know you mean well, but just because The Husband drank a Red Bull doesn't mean that he's going to get a headache this evening. He's getting a headache because it's a CLUSTER of headaches. This is a whole lot more over-arching than you think. You're a sweet guy and I'm appreciative that you care, but just stop already.

  • The Husband participated in our annual Biker Blessing and Ride this weekend. And now he wants a Harley Davidson. A vibrator. Sweet fucking hell. We just got you your FJR. Enjoy it. We have to win the lottery for you to get a Harley at this stage. Smooches from The Wife.


Dagny said...

Yo girlfriend, check out the treasure trove of 80s hits I collected for a friend's birthday. Download with abandon!


Sarah said...

You are awesome! I think I love you. *smooch*